What Causes Hives?

Allergies Medication

It is not a pleasant condition of suffering, it is important to try to understand what causes hives. This is bad, the complaint of red itchy, there are many reasons, but the following are some of the most common causes.

Allergies Medication

Viral infections

Allergies Medication

This is a particularly common cause in children, but may also be true in adults. Even if a person shows no outward signs of infection, may still be the case. Hives can also be a symptom of athlete's foot orUrinary tract infections.

Allergies Medication


This is another common reason to cause hives, especially in the case of drug allergy or food. If the allergy is to food, while the rash tends to occur in minutes or hours. With drugs, may occur after the first dose, or they can not begin until the show just a week or more, beginning to medicine.


This can lead to twoacute or chronic skin conditions. In fact, you may not even realise that you are stressed, especially if you are very busy, but your body will know and urticuria is quite a usual outward sign of stress. It's important to remember that stress can have both a positive and negative effect on your life.

If you can't find out an obvious reason then it will be necessary for you to seek medical advice. You may have to abstain from certain foods or medications for a while, to assist in you being able to discover the exact trigger which causes hives.

What Causes Hives?

Allergies Medication