Animals and indoor allergies

Allergies Medication

Can your dog or cat suffers from allergies indoors, the answer is yes.

Allergies Medication

No, sniff, sneeze or have red eyes. More than likely, will be itching, scratching and shedding any.

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It is interesting to note that our dogs and cats do not react to allergens, as we humans do. Respiratory diseases are rare, with the exception of a cat with asthma.

Allergies Medication

What are some causes of allergic reactions that can have pets?

First, the list could be longeras if you were to read it, so let's zero in some of the most common causes.

Number one is "dust mites." These microscopic particles can cause more problems with pollen. Then there are the spores of the mold (caused by moisture and humidity) from cigarette or tobacco smoke, air fresheners and detergents, followed by cockroaches and their waste

Your pets can be allergic to other animals such as birds, feather products, such as comforters and pillows, and believe it or not, the human beingScale.

Well, if the allergy is not due to respiratory problems, do what they do? If your pet is just a little 'allergic, do not even notice when you scratch even if your cat or dog is hypersensitive, you can also find places where your pet is scratched or lick their fur.

Where does your pet allergens to collect these? Mainly from the floor, the sofa or chair sits next to your bed or in his bed, where the legs or the body can come into contact with theSubstances.
What can you do if you suspect that your pet may have an allergy problem?

When you start your pet from scratching, biting, licking or claw his body more than usual. If the "hot spots" or areas of the body are not your pet's fur and fleas are not the problem. Your pet may be allergic to something in the house can handle a new food, new beds or new, among other things.

First, visit your vet and allow you to examine your pet. Your pet may be inspected and tested for65 The most common basis. Treatment may include antihistamines and corticosteroids for the treatment with you from home.

In severe cases of allergy to animals with immunotherapy, which is diluted with increasing doses of allergen injected in on a weekly basis, the increase is the amount of allergen in question are treated every time, consists of an immunity to it.

What you can do at home?

If the allergy is to stay home a used product.If cigarettes or tobacco is the culprit, and enjoy the comfort your pet, place a smoke-free home.

Mites need (and sell dog when the dog sleeps with you) Vacuum frequently, not only the earth but also the furniture, curtains and towels are all read at least once every two weeks in very hot water to kill mites.

Keep humidity in your house and repair leaks or water damage can help prevent mold spores.

Remove any food residue andInvite other substances in the ground and the doors will be part of the problem cockroaches.
When the poor bird is the problem, try to get a place for the bird, which your cat or dog is not allowed, and perhaps this will help you find the problem.

The good news is that most allergies, with the help of you, your vet and medications can be solved.

Animals and indoor allergies

Allergies Medication