Energy Medicine and a Natural Solution For Allergies

Allergies Medication

There are many types of allergies, from serious food allergies to annoyances like hay fever and minor skin rashes. This article is about a method I use for the less serious type allergies which I am prone to being afflicted with; sensitive skin, mild hay fever and a few specific allergies such as to feather pillows. Most of my allergies are relatively mild in nature, not life threatening, and so for me a simple over the counter anti-histamine has always taken care of things. But in the last several years I have taken to using a deceptively simple energy medicine technique that almost immediately stops my itchiness of skin and eyes so that I do not need to take antihistamines. The method? Tracing the Triple Warmer Meridian.

Allergies Medication

Meridians are energy patterns that flow through your body. Acupuncture points lie along these meridians. Acupuncturists and other practitioners of energy medicine techniques and Eastern medicine techniques use the meridians and points on them to treat imbalances in the energy systems of the body.

Allergies Medication

Each meridian governs some organs and systems in the body. The meridian that governs immune system response is called the Triple Warmer. When allergies or autoimmune responses from the body are causing problems, balancing and flushing the Triple Warmer meridian can often take care of the problem and calm the body's response.

Allergies Medication

This technique is ridiculously simple so it certainly merits exploration.

When you trace a meridian you are simply running your hand along the path of that meridian on your body. Your hands are a part of your body where the energy is strong and easy to feel. Simply rub your hands together for a couple seconds and then hold them facing one another a few inches apart. Now slowly move them father apart and bring them closer together again. With a little practice you will begin to feel the energy between them as a force or resistance. When you run your hands along a meridian pathway you are using the energy in your hands to help the energy in the meridian to flow more smoothly and strongly in the direction it is supposed to be running. Or you may need to flush the meridian by tracing it backwards and then forwards a few times to get it flowing in the right direction.

To trace the Triple Warmer meridian and calm allergic irritation, simply begin with either hand at the back of the ring finger of the opposite hand. Run your hand along the backside of you hand, up the back of your arm, up the side of your neck to the bottom of your ear, then around the back of your ear, over the top of it and ending at the outside corner of your eye. Repeat on the other side. Do both sides a couple of times every time you feel some allergic reaction happening and see if it helps to settle it down. What I find is that I almost immediately stop itching and forget all about it! You may have to repeat this regularly for awhile but if it helps balance your system and keep you from taking pills, how wonderful! And when you balance one meridian it helps balance its neighbors as well and your whole system benefits.

Energy Medicine and a Natural Solution For Allergies

Allergies Medication