Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?
Fleas not only bite and live off your pets, they bite people too. The typical human reaction to a flea bite is the formation of a small, hard, red, slightly raised, itching spot with no swelling. Some bleeding can occur, particularly if the bitten area is scratched. A single puncture point caused by the flea is generally apparent in the center of each spot.Allergies Medication
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Flea bites normally occur on the legs and ankles. Different people have different reaction to fleabites. Some people are totally unattractive to fleas and are not affected by the presence of fleas while others may be "appealing" and sensitive to fleas resulting in severe allergic reaction to their bites.
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See some pictures of flea bites on humans
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Well, how to treat flea bites on human? Before you run off to your family doctor to seek medical treatment, here are some home remedies for the treatment of flea bites on human.
1. Firstly, it's important to keep the affected area clean. Wash the bites with some antiseptic lotion or soap. Use cold water but avoid the use of warm or hot water as this may tend to stimulate itch
2. Secondly, apply a cold pack over the bites to reduce swelling.
3. Do not scratch the inflamed area as this may lead to open wounds and secondary infections.
4. If the affected area is read and swollen, you may apply a mild steroid cream like 1% hydrocortisone cream. This should be easily available from any pharmacy without the need of a prescription. Hydrocortisone helps in reducing inflammation rapidly. Alternatively, if you have a bottle of calamine lotion at home, this may help too.
5. Very often, the itch caused by the fleabites can be very intense. An oral dose of anti-histamine like Dimetapp, Chlortrimeton is very effective in relieving itch. Once the itch stops, you will stop scratching as well and the healing will take place faster.
Treatment of flea bites using these home remedies should improves within a few days, However, if the condition worsen whereby, they remained red and swollen with discharges, then a trip to your family doctor may be necessary. Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics for you and a jab of steroid may be needed to stop the inflammation.
However, success in treating flea bites is by no means a solution to your problem. To avoid further bites from these little pesky creatures, the only solution is to get rid of them totally. Killing fleas in house, getting rid of fleas on pets is what you need to do as part of your flea extermination plan
Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?
Allergies Medication
8:16 AM | Labels: Available, remedies, treatment | 0 Comments
Allergy Shots For Dogs - Done the Right Way
Allergy shots for dogs make it possible for our pets to escape the itchy discomfort of allergy symptoms completely and permanently. That's a wonderful thing, but it will not happen overnight.Allergies Medication
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When it comes to inhalant allergies (atopy in dogs) you must pick a vet that has substantial experience in curing this type of allergy, and not just the occasional try. Inhalant allergies in dogs are different than food allergies because the former are treatable with allergy shots, the latter are usually not.
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So, when it comes to dog inhalant allergies, most family vets have limited experience in administering skin tests and what is more difficult, understanding the results and how they may inter-relate to blood tests and other parts of the diagnostic jigsaw puzzle. Inhalant allergy diagnosis is a true art form born from extensive experience and wide knowledge of this form of allergy. This is far out of the league of the average family vet.
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Some family vets do have the experience and knowledge to do a very good job. So, you need to research a vet before approaching him or her for allergy shot therapy.
The wise family veterinarian know their strengths, and as a matter of course will immediately refer a dog with a moderate to serious inhalant allergy (atopy) to one of many veterinary dermatologists.
Veterinary dermatologists are trained in the fine points in understanding inhalant allergies and their associated canine blood test, allergy skin tests, diagnostic evaluation, and the all-important pet allergy shots. It is the vaccine in the shots that will make allergy desensitization a success or failure.
Especially in difficult cases, you need a 'top gun' to get top results. If you live in the country you may need to drive to the big city, or take the subway across town to a university animal hospital. It may not be convenient but it will be worthwhile.
Here are some basic guidelines:
With dog allergy shots, your dog will need a daily needle or shot, at least at first. It is far better if the owner can administer the shots rather than driving to the vet dermatologist every day. It is also less expensive. It is not difficult to give a needle to a dog, and you will be shown exactly how to do it correctly and safely.
You should keep in mind that it is common for dog immunotherapy to take 6 to 12 months. There is no way of knowing when or if the shots will eventually work, especially if the dog has multiple allergies. But with a 75% success rates (or partial success rates), the odds are in your favor.
Be prepared that 25% of the time dog immunotherapy does not work.
You should keep in mind that success is not always 100%. There are times when a dog will need to have a fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly booster shot to maintain the desensitization. This is no big deal.
Allergy shots for dogs are a golden opportunity cure or control an allergy in a firm manner. It is the preferred manner in dealing with inhalant allergies in dogs. Locate a good vet dermatologist and have it done the right way.
Allergy Shots For Dogs - Done the Right Way
Allergies Medication
8:06 AM | Labels: allergy | 0 Comments
Severe Sinus Infections
Sinus infections are illnesses that affect the sinuses. Also known as sinusitis, this infection causes severe inflammation to the sinuses, which are hollow cavities in the bones around the nose. When a person suffers from fungal or viral infections like hay fever, rhinitis, etc. these sinuses become inflamed. Air and mucus may get blocked inside these inflamed sinuses, causing severe pain and discomfort. Sometimes, there could be a vacuum inside the sinuses. The main symptoms of severe sinus infections are pain in the head, ear, or neck; headaches early in the morning; pain in the upper jaw, cheeks, and teeth; swelling of the eyelids; pain between the eyes; stuffy nose; loss of smell; and tenderness near the nose. Sometimes, there could be fever, tiredness, weakness, severe cough, and runny nose. Very rarely, acute sinusitis can lead to infection in the brain or some other complication.Allergies Medication
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Sinus infections are basically of thee kinds: acute (up to three weeks), chronic (three to eight weeks or more) and recurring (frequent attacks within a year). Sinus infections may also be classified on the basis of the kind of sinus: frontal sinuses (over the eyes in the brow area), maxillary sinuses (inside each cheekbone), ethmoid sinuses (just behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes), and sphenoid sinuses (behind the ethmoids in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes).
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Even though everyone gets a sinus attack one time or the other, acute and chronic sinus attacks, which are of the more severe kind, should be treated early. It is better to take a specialist's opinion before using any of the over-the-counter drugs available in the market. Even though pain killers and decongestants may provide some relief, severe sinus infections need a more professional treatment with antibiotics and even steroids. Mostly, severe sinus infections may occur because of some other reason like asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergies to fungi, primary immune deficiency, HIV infection, cystic fibrosis, and so on. In such cases, treatment should be provided for treating these infections first.
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Some most common treatments for severe sinus infections are saline nasal rinses, topical/oral decongestants, antihistamines, mucolytic agents, and intranasal corticosteroids. Severe sinus infections that cannot be cured by medication call for surgery. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery is a common surgery for enlarging the sinus openings and allowing drainage.
Severe Sinus Infections
Allergies Medication
7:56 AM | Labels: infections, Severe | 0 Comments
What is Underarm Pain?
Pain in the underarm region is felt in the form of a burning or stinging sensation. It can be accompanied by numbness. This pain can shoot up to the shoulder and the hand as well. Underarm pain can be irritating and quit distracting. It can be controlled through medication, but the course of treatment depends on the underlying cause of the problem. Here is a look at the many causes of underarm pain:Allergies Medication
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• Pulling of muscles in the upper arm region is a cause or such pain. It can radiate down the armpit and pain can arise here also.
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• Lymphadenitis or inflammation of lymph nodes is one of the most common causes of armpit pain.
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• Disorder in the Brachial plexus or nerve nexus that causes movement and sensation in the arm region can also result in armpit pain
• Swelling of Axillary Lymph Nodes due to cancerous or non-cancerous conditions is yet another cause for armpit pain.
• In case armpit muscle are pulled or strained, sharp pain is felt in the underarm region. Pain in the rib cage is yet another cause of armpit pain.
In addition to these causes, other causes of pain in the armpit can be AIDS, Leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious mononucleosis, and allergies. Beyond these reason, the reason why a person succumbs to underarm pain is because of a low body immunity level. Having a healthy body by eating healthy foods is the first point towards avoiding this problem completely.
The first step towards treating is getting a CT Scan done. Temporary relief from underarm pain is obtained through the use of over-the-counter pain killers. The treatment given depends on the cause. For example, if pulled muscles are the cause, muscle relaxants are prescribed, and if the problem is caused by lymph node infection, antibiotic or antiviral medicines are prescribed. In case of serious causes, underarm pain is treated with medication that can be prescribed in accordance with the illness.
The most common way to treat underarm pain is by using a hot or a cold compress. Place the compress on the painful region under the arm and do this for 10 to 15 minutes. This should be done about three to four times a day.
What is Underarm Pain?
Allergies Medication
7:55 AM | Labels: Underarm | 0 Comments
Gluten Causes Bi-Polar, Rage, ADD
Gluten Intolerance Causes Behavior Problems?-- No Way!Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
Little did I know how much food itself (and gluten intolerance) would become a major turning point in our lives. I had heard about gluten sensitivity, or gluten intolerance which causes symptoms of upset stomach, IBS, etc... but psychological issues and bad behavior? Now that was a new concept!
Allergies Medication
Introducing my 3 year old, Emily. She was always a challenge. My first daughter, now 6, was the perfect baby. Always smiling and always a pleasure to be around. She ate well and slept through the night early on without any problems. So, when Emily arrived, I assumed it was the classic case of one good/easy child and one more demanding one. I definitely didn't think she would be gluten sensitive.
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Emily still got up at least one time a night until she was around 1-1/2 years old. Sometimes she couldn't settle down to get to sleep and other times she would just wake up in the middle of the night in the absolute worst possible mood for no apparent reason. She couldn't be calmed down either. She could not/ would not calm down until the "fit" subsided. She screamed (literally) until the fit was over.
Many, many a night my husband and I tried to figure out what was wrong with our discipline plan- it had worked for our older daughter. Was Emily not getting enough one on one attention? Well, that couldn't be it, I was a stay-at-home Mom. Did she have too much sugar? We always limited the girls' sugar- especially before bedtime. We were even careful with giving our girls artificial colors and sweeteners as they had shown themselves to be culprits in other family members' behaviors such as causing hyperactivity. She didn't show celiac syptoms so we ruled that out early on.
So what was going on? Guess she was just "blessed" with my strong personality genes. During the day she was in my hip carrier most of the day because otherwise she was unbelievably cranky. We just couldn't wait until Emily could talk. We figured once she could verbalize her irritation she would say it and then just get over it.
As she got older, Emily's tantrums became literally too much to handle. We heard all the typical responses from well-meaning people such as - we need to discipline better, teach her who's boss, spare the rod and spoil the child, etc... Unfortunately NO discipline worked. My husband and I even decided to try a parenting seminar for extra ideas.Here again, gluten sensitivity was something we didn't even think to look for.
As time went on, I was starting to see that we were dealing with a very different child. I started asking my Mother and other relatives, "Was I this difficult when I was younger?". I was a challenge, no doubt, but definitely not to the extent of our little Emily. I had just decided that she is the way she is and there's no changing her. We just hoped that one day the pent up aggressive tantrums she now had would somehow be re-focused toward something more productive as she got older.
As Emily approached her 2nd Birthday I was becoming overwhelmed with her behavior. Nothing I did made her happy and the mornings were horrible. Would she wake up happy or mad? What can I do to make and keep her happy? The stress was unbearable. My life revolved around avoiding the next tantrum. I decided that for the benefit of both Emily and myself, a change needed to come.
Two weeks after Emily's 2nd Birthday, I went back to work. For the first time ever, my girls- 4 and 2 entered daycare. It absolutely broke my heart but I reasoned that Emily would do well associating with peers her own age and our 4 year old could start to get prepared for Kindergarten. Emily had some separation issues as expected but nothing major at that point. It was a small church daycare so they were really good at loving on the kids and not being very strict. As time moved on, however, we started to see major behavior issues starting to brew. Long story short, she became very demanding and would hit and / or throw a tantrum lasting sometimes an hour over something so insignificant as not receiving a baby wipe when she thought she deserved to have one. She didn't want to play with others her age. She preferred playing by herself.
After 8 months we decided to change daycare centers - assuming Emily wasn't being challenged enough and perhaps would do better at a large daycare center.
At the new center, there were new activities, new toys, a new environment and a teacher that absolutely let Emily get her own way with everything (we didn't know that at the time). In the 2 year old classroom life seemed to be good. We thought our prayers had been answered.
Then Emily turned 3 and entered a new room with centers and more rules. The first two weeks were fine- a "honeymoon period" if you will. Following those two weeks, however, our nightmare was just to start. Emily refused to work with her teachers. She would do the absolute opposite of everything she was asked to do. She refused to stay in a center and her temper tantrums got WAY out of control. She spent more time at their office (which she probably enjoyed better) than in class. She was totally disruptive. She would throw chairs, hit, spit - anything to NOT do what she was supposed to. Children in her class would GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to not get near her. They were actually afraid of her! The teacher, after one particular day,refused to come back to work if Emily was in her class again.
Ok, so something was seriously wrong. She seemed to be worse at school (daycare) than home. Maybe there was too much MSG or artificial sweeteners or colors in her snacks? Well that HAD to be it... What else was left? So.... I started bringing ALL of her snacks. Lunch was ok because it was all homemade so that couldn't be the culprit! All of her new snacks had natural colors (from vegetables) and no artificial ingredients. They had LOTS of whole grains because they are healthy, right? Whole grain bars, color-free wheat crackers- she was at least getting healthy grains. Emily, during this time, moved to the 4s and 5s room. Maybe she just preferred a different teacher? Again things improved for about two weeks. Was it the room, change in kids, new atmosphere, or the new snacks?
All was good except that darn rash. Now it was getting warm again and she was getting the same rash she's had previous years. It resembled Poison Ivy. There were bubbles that would itch and hurt her at the same time. Last year we had taken Emily to the doctor for it and he wasn't sure what it was. He gave us a cream to use that didn't help.... and here we go again with it. It would make her grumpy because they would itch while she tried to sleep. She wouldn't keep her shoes on at daycare because her feet itched so bad!
Well, the behavior came back full force this time. She was EXTREMELY aggressive and it was even mentioned that she could have "Oppositional Defiance Disorder". Her tantrums couldn't be controlled, she couldn't focus and she had Dr. Jekyl / Mr. Hyde type of aggression. Emily would rage, even to the point of really hurting teachers - and remember - she was 3!
I was told that she needed to be evaluated for her behavior in order to remain at that daycare. The "specialists" aka Psychologists saw a definite problem, possibly ADHD or other behavior but they couldn't tell the daycare of any particular "trigger" that was causing it. I was then expected to seek help from more knowledgeable child Psychologists. Everything was pointing toward Bi-Polar Disorder.
After a couple more weeks with more aggressive, rage behavior Emily was removed from that daycare. Honestly, they had done all they knew to do. They couldn't continue to disrupt and stress out all the other children because of her behavior.
The day she was removed was horrible. I felt it was my fault. I wasn't a good enough Mother- either not strict enough or maybe not loving enough. She has my genes- it's my fault. Bottom line, I didn't know what to do. Keeping her out of daycare and staying home again (just to keep her shielded) didn't seem like the right thing to do. I prayed that day for an answer. I was absolutely at the end of my resources. I wasn't willing to put my child on medication for the rest of her life but it looked like that's where we were headed.
My Mom had picked Emily up from daycare so that I could have a meeting with them. After the meeting, after praying in the car, I ran an errand. I went to the Natural Food Store in the area that I so frequently visited to pick up a supplement. The girls who work there came over, as always, to chat. They immediately saw the despair in my face, then the tears rolled.
I recapped the last few weeks, explained that I had eliminated the normal reactive foods from Emily's diet and to no avail. Now what- I didn't know what to do. That's when gluten intolerance was suggested to me. The easiest way to see if gluten is a problem for someone is to COMPLETELY eliminate it from the diet. What?? Gluten?? I thought that just causes stomach problems! I was enlightened that day. Symptoms can show themselves as the following:
Food Cravings,
Unexplained Rashes,
Allergic shiners (dark circles under the eyes),
Red Face/ Ears, Stomachaches,
Loose Stools or Diarrhea,
Alternating Diarrhea and Constipation,
Mucus Production,
Immune, Inflammatory and Autoimmune Reactions,
Abnormal Pulse,
Elevated Blood Pressure,
Ringing in the Ears,
Mood Disorders,
Panic Attacks,
Sleep Disorder,
ADHD Symptoms (decreased attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity),
Mood Swings,
Autism Symptoms (poor eye contact, social withdrawal, decreased language, obsessions, repetitive behaviors)
In all of my well-meaning, healthful snacks, I had replaced all of the so-called "bad" foods with something that Emily was sensitive to. I was OVERLOADING HER with gluten!
Wow! So, does that mean I can have hope again? Oh, well, wait a minute. Isn't gluten in EVERYTHING? I thought people who were "gluten free" were more along the health-food nut spectrum! Ok, easy enough.... I'll just buy EVERYTHING in the store that says gluten free. Problem solved. Yeah right, not so. Little did I know just how much gluten-free foods could taste like straight up cardboard or worse yet, HARD cardboard. I thought the days of good, moist, tasty foods were gone. They can be but if you follow my advice, you'll be safe. I found gluten-free food and recipes that actually taste good!!
So where are we now? We have come a long way in just a few months. We started using THE supplement for behavior issues, toxicity and sickness/ viruses- Our systems are clean so they can function better. Our whole family is gluten free mainly for the ease of it. It's easier to cook one kind of meal than two. Emily is back at the original, church run daycare and doing VERY WELL!
Gone are the tantrums lasting hours, terrible mornings (Emily wakes up happy most days now). The rages are gone, the aggression is gone too. Granted, she does have her moments as she IS 3 but nothing like before. She speaks so well! It's almost as if she can think better these days. She's not violent anymore and the bi-polar symptoms are gone. She actually gets upset if someone hurts her feelings or hurts her. She doesn't seem to have much of a recollection of how she used to be.
Yes, the results are THAT dramatic! Emily sleeps all night without the horrible screaming fits in the middle of the night. She's actually a pleasure to be around. Oh! And that rash that used to keep her miserable is also gone. One might say "That's just a coincidence, maybe she grew out of her symptoms" but that's not the case. We had Emily tested for allergies. She had no known allergies to any other food product and we also resumed gluten containing foods for about four days. During that four day period, Emily started getting very irritable again AND on the fourth day her rash started coming back- how's that for proof!? We are convinced that gluten is a problem for Emily.
I have noticed changes in myself as well. I'm not as anxious and stressed. My heart doesn't race like it used to, I sleep more soundly, and my stomach isn't bloated after eating like it used to be. I don't even crave bread anymore. Gluten sensitivity seems to be an issue for me as well. I still eat gluten-free bread but don't crave foods like I used to.
My goal with this information is to educate individuals in ALL aspects of gluten sensitivity. Celiac symptoms can show but there are other symptoms to look for as well. It's not just about stomach issues and IBS. Gluten sensitivity can show itself at ANY age.
Children can display the behavior and psychological symptoms early on and the stomach issues can then surface later in life. Or, babies could have the stomach issues early on. Colic could actually be caused from gluten sensitivity from the formula he/she consumes.
By the way, if you are thinking of going gluten-free, you should make sure your system is clean so that it is able to function better. Really, you should do this anyway. See what I mean at the website listed at the bottom of the article. At the website homepage click under "Cleanse".
Gluten Causes Bi-Polar, Rage, ADD
Allergies Medication
Sleeping Medication - A Fast and Easy Overview
You keep hearing of so many new and different sleeping medications in the market. Each one is touting its benefits and superiority over others. You want to make sense of all that information so you'll know how to talk to your doctor or get one over the counter.Allergies Medication
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Firstly, here's how sleeping medications are broadly grouped based on the sleeping problem being treated.
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Sleeping medication to help you fall asleep Sleeping medication to help you stay asleep Sleeping medication to help you when you can't sleep and are depressed at the same time
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Next, you then need to know the 4 classes of sleeping medication that fall under the groups above. They are:
1. The "Z" Drugs:
They are the newest, most talked about and most expensive class of drugs used today. This class of sleeping medication is the non-benzodiazepines or "Non-Benzos" and sometimes called the ''Z'' drugs. They are popularly used because they achieve comparable efficacy with lesser side effects compared to the older generation of drugs i.e. the benzodiazepines.
Lunesta (eszopiclone) Sonata (zaleplon) Ambien (zolpidem) Rozerem (ramelteon), the newest kid on the block
However, all of this sleep medication may cause severe allergic reaction, facial swelling and complex sleep-related behaviors such as sleep-driving and preparing and eating food while asleep. Bizarre sleep-walking has caught much attention of the public. In one of these cases a patient woke with a paintbrush in her hand after painting the front door to her house. Another case involved a woman who gained 23 kilograms over seven months while taking zolpidem. "It was only when she was discovered in front of an open refrigerator while asleep that the problem was resolved," according to the report.
All the non-benzodiazepines can be used to help you fall asleep. Lunesta and Ambien CR (extended release) can additionally help you stay asleep.
2. The "Benzos":
Benzodiazepines are the oldest class of sleeping medication and formerly the most commonly used treatment for insomnia. Due to the issues of inappropriate use (abuse), dependence, side effects such as memory or movement impairments, and next-day "hangover", these sleeping medications are now prescribed with greater caution. This explains why the "non-benzos" are today's favored and first line treatment of insomnia.
Dalmane (flurazepam) Doral (quazepam) Halcion (triazolam) Prosom (estazolam) Restoril (temazepam)
Even so, benzodiazepines remain a viable treatment option as some practitioners feel they offer better value than the newer more expensive non-benzodiazepines. As it is, proprietary or "branded" drugs like Dalmane and Restoril, sell in generic versions for only 30 to 50 cents each.
''We tend to use the old benzodiazepines,'' one medical practitioner explained. ''They appear to be as effective as some of the newer ones, and they're infinitely less expensive.''
Halcion (triazolam) is popularly used to help you fall asleep while Restoril (temazepam) and estazolam (a benzodiazepine derivative) are used to help you stay asleep.
3. The Antidepressants
You would have heard of antidepressants being used for their sedative side effects to treat insomnia.
Desyrel (trazodone) Elavil (amitriptyline) Sinequan (doxepin)
In fact, the inexpensive antidepressant trazodone is the most commonly prescribed sleep medication for the treatment of insomnia in the United States (NIH conference 2005). Yet, the FDA has not approved it officially for insomnia treatment. This is possibly due to lack of long-term studies. As with all antidepressants, there is an inherent small but significant risk of suicidal thoughts or worsening of depression.
Antidepressants i.e. Pamelor (nortriptyline), Desyrel (trazodone), Elavil (amitriptyline) are drugs that help you when you can't sleep and are depressed at the same time.
4. The "Over-the-counter" Sleeping Medication
The main ingredient of over-the-counter sleeping medication is an antihistamine. Antihistamines are mainly used to treat allergies. There are 2 types of antihistamine compounds i.e. doxylamine and diphenhydramine. Again, it is their sedative side effects that make you sleepy.
Unisom (Doxylamine compound) Sleepinal (Doxylamine compound) Benadryl (Diphenhydramine compound) Nytol (Diphenhydramine compound) Sominex (Diphenhydramine compound)
It must be noted that other popular brands like Tylenol PM and Advil PM combine the antihistamine with the painkillers acetaminophen and ibuprofen respectively. You may be taking on additional risks with painkillers you don't need. Generally, while these OTC sleeping medications can have a mildly positive effect on short-term insomnia, the infamous next-day drowsiness can be common and severe. Not to mention tolerance to the sleep medication can easily develop in just a few days.
LASTLY, just be mindful of this fact: Sleeping medication is usually used for short periods of time (7-10 days, maximum 2 weeks). This is because they may lose their effectiveness over time. Don't use more or longer than you need to. Insomnia or sleeplessness is usually a symptom of an underlying problem.
Sleeping Medication - A Fast and Easy Overview
Allergies Medication
7:44 AM | Labels: medication, Overview, Sleeping | 0 Comments
Asthma Allergy - What Triggers Your Wheezing?
Asthma allergy is fairly common and afflicts people of all ages including children. If you have this medical condition, you are probably looking for remedies for allergies or ways to ease your symptoms, which can be frightening at times. Asthma is an inflammation and tightening of the airways and that can make it difficult to breathe.Allergies Medication
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Most people with asthma allergy usually have extended periods where they are symptom free, interrupted by flare-ups of wheezing. An attack can last for days or just a few hours. Other people must contend with their symptoms of wheezing and shortness of breath on a daily basis.
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Identifying the triggers for your asthma allergy is important to preventing an attack. Your doctor may give you allergy tests so you can uncover the culprit. Common triggers include cigarette smoke, pollen, mold, pet dander, dust, foods, chemicals, cold weather, stress, infections, and even exercise.
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Once you know what might set off an episode of wheezing, you can take steps to avoid it. For example, if cold weather is a trigger, you can attempt to stay indoors as much as possible during the winter and cover your mouth with a scarf if you do go out. If you are allergic to particular foods, you know to avoid them to prevent wheezing.
Controlling asthma allergies usually isn't as simple as avoiding triggers though. Many times you don't know what causes an attack. Your doctor may also prescribe medication that can help. There are two types of drugs your doctor might give you. One of them is quick acting and intended for use during an asthma attack. The other is long acting and is taken to help prevent an attack from happening.
Generally, people with mild asthma allergy take the quick relief medicines whenever they are needed. People who battle the symptoms of asthma on a constant basis use the longer acting drugs. Sometimes an attack is so severe that you might have to go to the hospital for stronger medications delivered through an IV. You may be given oxygen in the hospital as well so you can breathe easier.
Sometimes, you can have advance warning an attack is on the way, if you regularly use a peak flow meter device. This is a small instrument your doctor can give you to use at home, that measures how fast you can blow air out of your lungs. When the readings drop, it is a sign of inflammation and restriction of the airways even though you might not be having symptoms yet. Taking medication at that time may reverse the attack before it gets too bad.
Asthma allergy can become serious if not properly treated. The symptoms and progression of the condition varies among individuals. Some children seem to grow out of it when they get older while others don't. Although there is no cure, the condition can be successfully managed in most cases. The success of your treatment depends upon your commitment to taking your medications or using appropriate remedies for allergies, as advised and avoiding known triggers.
Asthma Allergy - What Triggers Your Wheezing?
Allergies Medication
7:43 AM | Labels: allergy, Asthma, triggers, wheezing | 0 Comments
Egg Allergy Signs and Symptoms
One of the most common of all food allergies, especially amongst children. Most people will eventually outgrow their allergy but for a small percentage of people it will remain. Egg allergy symptoms are basically the same as the symptoms caused by any other food allergy.In general most people have fairly mild reactions to eggs but like all allergies they can produce severe symptoms in some people.Allergies Medication
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Egg allergy symptoms are pretty much the same as the symptoms for any other allergy however in the vast majority of cases the main symptom is eczema. Egg allergies are the leading cause of eczema outbreaks. Eczema isn't caused by an allergy but it is usually triggered by one. Eczema is actually a skin condition; most people develop it during childhood. It will remain with you throughout your life causing periodic outbreaks of a rash. These outbreaks can be caused by a number of different things but allergies are the leading cause, particularly egg allergies. It is also possible that eggs will cause hives; this is skin condition that is caused directly by the allergic reaction. It will appear fairly quickly and disappear again in a couple of days. Hives are a much less common egg allergy symptom then eczema.
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The other most common allergy symptom would be gastric distress. This is a generic term that covers anything unusual that happens in your intestines. Most commonly this would be excessive flatulence or diarrhea. In some case it might also include nausea and even vomiting. These reactions can occur with egg allergies but they are much more common with other food allergies.
Allergies Medication
One possible egg allergy symptom is asthma. This can be a dangerous reaction so if you are prone to asthma precautions must be taken. Asthma will cause an inflammation of your airway, making it difficult to breathe. In extreme cases you may find your airway completely blocked and be unable to breathe at all. Asthma is an allergic reaction and can be caused by any allergen. That being said it really isn't that common with egg allergies. Nevertheless if you are prone to asthma attacks you are going to want to be careful around eggs.
The most severe allergy symptom would be anaphylaxis. Again this is very rare, especially with egg allergies but it can happen. Anaphylaxis is a whole body allergic reaction caused by the dilation of your blood vessels. This cause swelling and might make it difficult to breathe. You will also experience a drop in blood pressure. Some foods like nuts and shellfish cause anaphylaxis in a lot of people. Eggs on the other hand will rarely cause it. Again, any allergic reaction can cause anaphylaxis and some people are more prone to it than others. If you are one of those people you are going to have to be careful. Your doctor will likely have you carry an Epipen so that you can inject yourself with the medication in the event you do have a reaction.
Find more tips about: Egg Allergy Symptoms
Egg Allergy Signs and Symptoms
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7:41 AM | Labels: allergy, Fashioned, Florida, Orlando, Paddlewheel, symptoms | 0 Comments
Autism or Allergies - Or Both?
Could there be a link between autism and allergies? Could severe allergies cause an autism misdiagnosis? Could allergies themselves contribute to autism? A lot of things are still unknown about autism but as a parent of a child who was diagnosed at the age of three and by the age of 11, no longer displaying symptoms of autism, the above questions are important ones for me and my family.Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
Autism is a disorder that affects the brain development in children and is usually diagnosed by age three or four. It affects the child's social interaction and communication skills and it can limit behavior patterns. Autism is believed to be genetic but there are also environmental factors that are believed to influence the disease.
Allergies Medication
In recent years, reports of several studies done (mostly in alternative medicine) have suggested the idea that diet and food allergies could play a role in either causing or worsening autism. In particular, gluten (a wheat protein) and casein (a milk protein) were both believed to worsen the symptoms of a child with autism. It is believed that these food proteins are broken down into smaller proteins called peptides, that will function like narcotics in autistic children, worsening the symptoms.
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My son's food allergy diagnosis came after his initial autism diagnosis. It was later found that all 4 of my children had allergies to gluten and casein with the older ones outgrowing it around ages 6-10. However, only one of the four ever displayed the symptoms and signs of autism. He now no longer displays symptoms of autism, although he is not on the same behavior maturity level as his peers. He has outgrown most of his food allergies and intolerances but still receives treatment for seasonal and environmental allergies.
We're unsure if he was misdiagnosed in the first place or if the food allergies somehow played a role in the severity of his autism at a young age. Diet change alone was not the only thing we did for him. Years of counseling and therapy on all levels- speech, behavioral, family, etc., have helped him learn to overcome many of the challenges he had when he was younger and when he carried the diagnosis of autism. The doctors will say nothing more than "Before he displayed the signs and symptoms of autism and now he doesn't". While he still has some symptoms on the spectrum, they are not enough for him to be considered autistic.
Autism is a touchy subject and a condition that still asks a lot of questions. Each time I write about it, I get my fair share of hate mail telling me to "check my facts" but the fact of the matter is that even the experts disagree on many aspects of autism, what causes it and what might treat it. I write from my 10-year experience with a child who was diagnosed, as well as my experience coaching children with autism and Asperger's. I'm not claiming to be an expert; only looking to share information and experiences.
I can't say it's fact that there is a link between allergies and autism but in my experience there is, on some level. My children's allergist as well as other medical professionals seem to think there is some type of link as well, even if we are not all 100% certain of what the link is yet.
The bottom line is this: if it helps a child to live a more productive and functional life, does it really matter who is right and who is wrong? I want what's best for all of my children, regardless of labels or conditions. If changing their diet helps, I'm going to do it.
Note: Changing and/or restricting your child's diet should only be done under the supervision and advice of your doctor. This is especially true when limiting important nutritious foods such as milk and wheat. It's important to be sure you are replacing these omitted foods with something equal so that your child does not suffer from malnutrition due to restricted diet.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for personal care by a licensed physician. The author is not a licensed medical professional.
Sources and references:
Personal Experience
Millward C, Ferriter M, Calver S, Connell-Jones G. Gluten- and casein-free diets for autistic spectrum disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003498.
Kidd PM. Autism, An Extreme Challenge to Integrative Medicine. Alternative Medicine Review. 2002; 7(6):472-99.
Sun S, Itokazu N, Le HT, et al. Innate Immune Responses and Cytokine Production Against Dietary Proteins in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Those with Dietary Protein Intolerances. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002; 109:S222.
Autism or Allergies - Or Both?
Allergies Medication
7:39 AM | Labels: allergies, Autism | 0 Comments
Dust Mite Allergy Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
If you are not familiar with dust mites, these are microscopic bugs living in your home, feeding off the unseen cells of dead skin and pet dander. Though you may not see them, they are present on surfaces throughout the home, and are especially troublesome in an infested mattress.Allergies Medication
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The bug's waste material causes many people to develop a dust mite allergy, which includes sneezing, itching, congestion and runny noses. Asthmatics have it even worse, as a reaction to dust mites can exacerbate their condition.
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Reducing the Infestation
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These tiny bugs are attracted to dust-filled pockets of humidity and warmth; such as where you sleep, but also in the cozy furniture in living rooms. While completely eradicating these pests may not be possible, a thorough and regular cleaning can help reduce the number of mites in the home.
Once a top to bottom cleaning is finished, it is important to seal any potential hideouts for these bugs, starting with the mattress and bed linens. This is the most common area of concentration, so wash bedding weekly in hot water. To discourage dust mites, cover the mattress and pillows in hypo-allergenic, dust-proof covers, and wash these regularly as well. Temperature is important in order to kill the mites in the wash.
The next area to look at is living room furniture and rugs, as well as carpeted areas of your home. If these areas seem to be a problem for you, remove the cushion covers and wrap the inner foam in dust-proof covers, washing all removable pieces in the same manner as the bedding.
For area rugs, consider steam cleaning, or dry cleaning if necessary. If the bedroom area is carpeted, look into replacing it with tile or wood floors to decrease dust mite living space. Since not everyone can simply tear out the carpet, the other option is to hire a professional carpet cleaning company once a month, or rent a steam cleaner and do it yourself.
Common Allergy Symptoms and Prevention
Some people develop an outright allergy to dust mites, making it miserable for them to be in their homes when there is an infestation. This hypersensitivity can cause asthmatic symptoms and even aggravate skin problems like eczema.
Unfortunately, the excretions from these critters can be left everywhere, flying into the air and causing reactions in sensitive people much like pollen. These reactions are made worse by typical pollutants such as cigarette or other tobacco smoke, fireplace or cooking smoke, and fumes from gasoline.
Working to prevent reactions means taking the cleaning precautions above, and sealing every possible surface with a cover designed to repel dust. Eliminate carpeted areas where possible, and air out the house to create an unfriendly environment for the mites.
Once you have spoken to a medical professional and determined the problem to be dust mites, more changes in the home can be made to prevent infestations. These include thoroughly cleaning dusty surfaces with a moist cloth, using washable rugs, and buying furniture with more air flow underneath it.
Eliminate fabric where you can; if you have fabric curtains, consider replacing them with plastic or wooden blinds. Replace bedding and blankets made from synthetics or natural cotton, and always avoid wool, as it creates the perfect place for mites to settle.
Dust Mite Allergy Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
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7:38 AM | Labels: allergy, causes, Prevention, symptoms | 0 Comments
The Sweet Smell of a Perfume Allergy
Ah....the sweet, smell of perfume! Today's market is flooded with hundreds and hundreds of different fragrances ranging from floral to woodsy. Most women love the smell of perfume, wearing it even when going to the grocery store. The problem is that perfume allergy for some women, is anything but nice.Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
Keep in mind that a perfume allergy is not limited to the woman who wears it. For some people, men and women, just being around someone wearing perfume can have a devastating effect. Even regular household cleansers, air fresheners, fabric softener, scented candles, potpourri, hair spray, and shampoo can produce the same reaction. Although the smell of perfume might trigger a headache or rash, the more severe problem is a full-blown asthma attack.
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Having a perfume allergy is not something new. Unfortunately, many people are affected by the smell of perfume, especially when in a confined space. For instance, individuals working in an office environment might not have a choice but to be around someone wearing perfume. In this case, the only real solution is to request those individuals to stop wearing perfume to work (some may) or to ask if your desk can be seated in a different area. The problem is that not all companies are accommodating, meaning a new job must be found.
Allergies Medication
The good news is that because a perfume allergy can produce such a serious reaction as asthma or an anaphylactic shock, you will find a number of products now on the market that are fragrance free. Many of these items are found in organic stores although traditional grocery stores are now trying to cater to all customers. Because you cannot control who does and does not wear perfume, you have to take steps to protect yourself if you have a perfume allergy. This might include letting a job interview know, wearing a mask, or perhaps taking medication.
If you notice that you have symptoms of itchy eyes, runny nose, wheezing, or coughing when wearing perfume or being around other people that do then chances are you are having a reaction. Interestingly, many people have a perfume allergy but blame it on other things, never even considering that fragrance could be the problem. Sometimes, even doctors miss a perfume allergy simply because they are more accustomed to treating seasonal allergies, pet allergies, and other forms of allergy.
In addition, remember that while you might be allergic to some perfumes, it is possible that not all fragrances will create a reaction. The reason is that performs are made up of varying chemicals so while one chemical may trigger a reaction, other chemicals might not. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to your surroundings, taking note if you can pinpoint these symptoms specific to fragrance.
The Sweet Smell of a Perfume Allergy
Allergies Medication
7:37 AM | Labels: allergy, Perfume | 0 Comments
Treating Summer Allergies Using Natural Remedies
If you are suffering from summer allergies, there are several natural remedies you can try to treat the same. The worst thing that allergies usually do is that they upset the lifestyle of the sufferers. For example, you may have running nose and you may feel embarrassed to go in public - so you slowly start becoming introvert. Some of the most common symptoms of these allergies may include congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, and pain. With these symptoms, you obviously cannot focus on your work.Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
You will not be able to enjoy your outdoor activities with such symptoms. Most of us prefer to try some over-the-counter drugs for instant relief. Some of the medications sound to be very effective also. But, they unusually carry certain side effects. For example, it may relieve you from a runny nose, but it may also result in difficult breathing for you. That is the reason why many people now prefer to go for natural remedies. Following is a brief rundown about it.
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Local Honey
Local honey is one of the best natural remedies for summer allergies. It is the honey produced locally in your general area. However, you may not find it in your neighborhood general store. If you want to buy pure local honey, you should visit your local farmer's market. In most cities of the United States of America, a local farmer's market is organized at least once a week. The local honey is the honey that the bees collect from vegetation in your area. So, they are more effective in relieving your allergic symptoms rather than packaged honey from other areas. In order to build up the resisting power of your body against the local allergens, all you have to do is just to take one tsp of local honey at least 3-6 times a day.
Allergies Medication
There are several types of vitamins - some of them can be very effective in treating summer allergies, such as vitamin E and vitamin B5. You can take 400 mg of Vitamin E and 100 mg of Vitamin B5 at least once per day for two months. They are wonderful antioxidants and contain powerful anti-allergen properties.
A Special Fruit Juice For You
You may also like to prepare a special fruit juice for you. It is a non-alcoholic mixed drink - half liter in quantity. You can prepare it by mixing 3 parts carrot juice with 1 part cucumber juice and 1 part beet juice. You have to drink this mixed juice just once a day for one month to one-and-a-half months. This is a powerful mixture that contains a ton of antioxidants and vitamins. It will help relieve your miseries very fast.
Besides using the above natural remedies, there's one thing that you must do. Otherwise, you wont be able to get optimum benefits of your efforts. You must chill out. In order to relieve summer allergies, it is very important for you to keep yourself stress-free. Stress does not only worsen allergies but they may also result in several other diseases.
Treating Summer Allergies Using Natural Remedies
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Energy Medicine and a Natural Solution For Allergies
There are many types of allergies, from serious food allergies to annoyances like hay fever and minor skin rashes. This article is about a method I use for the less serious type allergies which I am prone to being afflicted with; sensitive skin, mild hay fever and a few specific allergies such as to feather pillows. Most of my allergies are relatively mild in nature, not life threatening, and so for me a simple over the counter anti-histamine has always taken care of things. But in the last several years I have taken to using a deceptively simple energy medicine technique that almost immediately stops my itchiness of skin and eyes so that I do not need to take antihistamines. The method? Tracing the Triple Warmer Meridian.Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
Meridians are energy patterns that flow through your body. Acupuncture points lie along these meridians. Acupuncturists and other practitioners of energy medicine techniques and Eastern medicine techniques use the meridians and points on them to treat imbalances in the energy systems of the body.
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Each meridian governs some organs and systems in the body. The meridian that governs immune system response is called the Triple Warmer. When allergies or autoimmune responses from the body are causing problems, balancing and flushing the Triple Warmer meridian can often take care of the problem and calm the body's response.
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This technique is ridiculously simple so it certainly merits exploration.
When you trace a meridian you are simply running your hand along the path of that meridian on your body. Your hands are a part of your body where the energy is strong and easy to feel. Simply rub your hands together for a couple seconds and then hold them facing one another a few inches apart. Now slowly move them father apart and bring them closer together again. With a little practice you will begin to feel the energy between them as a force or resistance. When you run your hands along a meridian pathway you are using the energy in your hands to help the energy in the meridian to flow more smoothly and strongly in the direction it is supposed to be running. Or you may need to flush the meridian by tracing it backwards and then forwards a few times to get it flowing in the right direction.
To trace the Triple Warmer meridian and calm allergic irritation, simply begin with either hand at the back of the ring finger of the opposite hand. Run your hand along the backside of you hand, up the back of your arm, up the side of your neck to the bottom of your ear, then around the back of your ear, over the top of it and ending at the outside corner of your eye. Repeat on the other side. Do both sides a couple of times every time you feel some allergic reaction happening and see if it helps to settle it down. What I find is that I almost immediately stop itching and forget all about it! You may have to repeat this regularly for awhile but if it helps balance your system and keep you from taking pills, how wonderful! And when you balance one meridian it helps balance its neighbors as well and your whole system benefits.
Energy Medicine and a Natural Solution For Allergies
Allergies Medication
How to Determine If You Have Allergies - Allergy Symptoms
Allergy is a term broadly used in describing a reaction of body tissues that is unusual to a substance that has no distinctive or noticeable effect on other humans. According to studies, about 17 out of every 100 Americans are allergic, or hypersensitive, to some substances which are known to cause unusual reactions.Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
These substances, more known as allergens, range from various irritants, such as pollens, mold spores, insect venoms, animal dander, and house dust. There are some who are allergic to substances in soap. Some react differently to the smell of a flower.
Allergies Medication
Below are the most common types of allergies.
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- Food Allergies - ignited by certain food types
- Anaphylaxis - triggered by drugs, food, or insect stings
- Respiratory Allergies - triggered by allergens which are airborne
- Contact Allergies - triggered by skin-affecting allergens
- Insect Sting Allergies - triggered by insect venom
Here are mild as well as severe symptoms that are associated with these common types of allergy.
Since each person may have unique reactions from these allergies, your symptoms might vary or may have some or all of the listed reactions. Consult your doctor if the symptoms have become persistent or severe.
Food Allergies
Symptoms of an allergy caused by certain food types usually happen within some minutes after you ingested food allergens, although there are some that would only occur after several hours. The symptoms may only happen to areas around the lips, mouth, and digestive tract, or could also involve other body areas. Foods that commonly result to allergic reactions are eggs, nuts, milk, fish, soy, shellfish, and wheat.
Mild Symptoms:
- Tingling, itching, or swelling of your mouth, tongue, lips, or throat
- Tightness feeling in your throat
- Difficulty speaking or swallowing
- Nausea
- Indigestion and abdominal cramps
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Skin rashes
- Coughing, congestion, wheezing, or sneezing
- Runny, stuffy, or itchy nose
Severe Symptoms:
- Breathing difficulties
- Sweating, dizziness, and faintness
- Rapid or sudden heart rate increase
- Sudden inability or hoarseness to speak
- Extreme and sudden facial itching and swelling
- Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is a severe, sudden, and potentially fatal reaction that has symptoms affecting various body areas. Symptoms commonly manifest very quickly after some exposure to allergens and may include extreme itching all over your body, total swelling of the body, respiratory distress, swelling, and may cause shock that is life endangering. Anaphylaxis requires urgent medical attention. The reaction is most commonly a result of drug, insect sting, or food allergies.
Symptoms include:
- Skin flushing
- Itching or tingling around your body
- Mouth swelling as well as in the throat area
- Difficulty breathing and swallowing
- Tightening of your chest
- Agitation, confusion, or lightheadedness
- Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea
- Irregular heartbeat
In some severe cases shock might occur. The swelling of your body's bronchial tissues might cause you to choke before losing consciousness. An abrupt drop in your blood pressure as a result of dilated blood vessels might also cause you to lose consciousness.
In cases that cause anaphylactic shock, it is necessary that you get treatment immediately. Without prompt medical attention, anaphylactic shock might prove fatal.
Respiratory Allergies
Symptoms of respiratory allergies frequently occur after a few hours of exposure and usually trigged by allergens that are airborne like animal dander, plant pollens, mold spores, and dust mites.
Mild Symptoms:
- Wheezing or coughing
- Sneezing
- Itchy throat or nose
- Postnasal drip
- Smell sense is impaired
- Hoarseness in the throat
- Congestion
- Red, itchy, swollen, or watery eyes
- Clogged or runny nose with thin and clear mucus
- Conjunctivitis
- Fatigue
Severe Symptoms:
- Shortness and difficulty in breathing
- Chest tightness and pain
Contact Allergies
Symptoms that occur as a result of contact allergies usually happen within a few minutes after your allergen exposure, although there are symptoms that may occur after several hours. Common allergens are poison ivy and poison oak, rubber, nickel, latex, preservatives, dyes, fragrances, medications, and cosmetics like perfume and hair dye. Nickel, a metal frequently used in buttons, jewelry, hairpins, zippers, metal clips and snaps, is the frequent source of the allergy. Sun exposure might also give you reactions.
Mild Symptoms:
- A bumpy or itchy rash
- Fluid-filled bumps on your skin
- Swelling or redness of your skin
- Hives
- Eczema
Severe Symptoms:
- Anaphylaxis
Insect Sting Allergies
Symptoms caused by insect sting allergies usually happen after a few minutes after you got stung, although there may be symptoms happening after some hours. Insect venoms cause these allergic reactions, like those from wasps, bees, hornets, fire ants, and yellow jackets.
How to Determine If You Have Allergies - Allergy Symptoms
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7:33 AM | Labels: allergies, allergy, Determine, symptoms | 0 Comments
How to Give a Dog Allergy Medicine
OK. So you've established that your dog has an allergy. You've been a responsible pet owner, and paid a visit to the vet. He prescribed dog allergy medicine, and even demonstrated how to get your beloved fluffy friend to take the dose. Trouble is, now that you're home, you're struggling to even get his jaws open, let alone get the medicine down his throat, where it needs to be to do its job.Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
If your dog is otherwise healthy, you might never have had to give your dog any kind of medication, and dog allergy medicine might be your first attempt. What now? Luckily, we've got a few handy hints to make your job a little easier!
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* If your dog allergy medicine is in the form of a tablet or pill, the easiest way to get it into Fido is to hide it inside his favorite treat. Most dogs will gobble that up easily, without argument, taking the allergy medicine with it.
Allergies Medication
* Another trick that might work to get your dog to take the medicine is to toss it, as you would a treat, biscuit or ball. It sounds crazy, but I've had a dog who loved to catch, and who would not take any medicine unless we used this trick!
* If your vet's given you dog allergy medicine in the form of a capsule, you could try opening it up, and sprinkling the contents over his food (check with your vet first, as this might cause trouble with medicines that need to dissolve slowly.)
* Dog allergy medicine in the form of a pill or capsule can also be placed in the dogs mouth, or, more precisely, pressed down his throat. Some dogs still manage to spit it out though. To get around this with your dog allergy medicine, have a syringe or dropper on hand filled with water, and squirt it after the pill. The dog will swallow, taking pill with water.
* In the case of topical preparations, you may not have as much trouble applying them, as keeping them put. Dog allergy medicines take time to work, and if your pooch licks them off all the time, you may need to resort to more drastic measures - an Elizabethan collar is a plastic cone, that fits around your dog's neck, restricting his ability to lick or bite his body. If the area where you are applying dog allergy medicine is on his body, this should work for your dog. Otherwise, you might try bandages on a paw or tail.
The method you choose to use to get your dog allergy medicine into your dog may vary, but the important thing is to make sure that he takes it, in the doses, and at the frequency that you are required to take it. Consistency is key in treating and managing dog allergies, and if you only administer medicines sporadically, you may not get the results you need.
How to Give a Dog Allergy Medicine
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7:32 AM | Labels: allergy, medicine | 0 Comments
Alternative Allergy Therapy
Although modern treatments are available to fight against allergies, a few alternative allergy therapies that may cause considerable difference. It is a vibrant approach for healing and it's also often known as holistic therapy. Today many prefer alternative therapy than modern treatments for prevention of allergies or curing them. The survey made by National Institute of Health and Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America indicates that, almost 50% of the American population are looking for alternative therapies at some stage for allergies along with other health conditions. However, for severe conditions like anaphylaxis, alternative therapy is not recommended. Only conventional medicines are highly recommended for such serious cases.Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
Types of alternative therapies:
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Asthma, allergies and other similar problems can be cured by alternative therapy. Examples of the most extensively known alternative therapies are:
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1. Herbal Therapy
2. Supplements
3. Homeopathic medicine
4. Desensitization techniques
5. Ayurveda
6. Acupuncture
7. Chiropractic medicine
8. Hypnosis
Before taking such alternative therapies that include herbs or tinctures, the patients with allergies have to consult a trained herbal medicine specialist. You should understand that herbs are also medicines and may have different effects depending on the type of herbs and how frequent you're taking them.
Effectiveness of alternative therapies:
The performance of these complementary therapies depends on your symptoms and your biochemistry. While going for alternative therapy, the first step will be to seek for a board certified provider in alternative medicine. Also ensure, the provider is knowledgeable to relieve allergies. Most of the alternative therapies don't have insurance coverage except a few. While discussing the effectiveness of the alternative therapies, lot of people think it's an eyewash and just given simply for the satisfaction of the patients. Another set of people think, it is just a belief that it cures but in reality it doesn't. It's just mind game. Nevertheless, most of the previously listed alternative therapies are technically proved for their efficiency and curing effects. Therapies like Hypnotism though not agreed as a scientific method, they are able to heal due to the positive vibrations released by the mind or works in line with the theory of "Law of Attraction."
Therapies like Ayurveda, Homeopathy possess a long-standing history and are scientifically acknowledged. Also, Acupuncture a conventional Chinese therapy, is acknowledged by WHO for t's efficacy and healing aspects. The advanced styles of Acupuncture include, Acupressure and the latest being Acu-touch. Both these methods don't require a needle and considered safer. An important point before taking alternative therapy is to make a complete analysis about the treatment you have opted. Herbs are the main medicines given for allergy in alternative therapies. A qualified health care professional to show you the correct way is important. Probably the most commonly used anti-allergy herbs are: Butterbur, Nettle, Quercetin etc.
Alternative Allergy Therapy
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7:31 AM | Labels: allergy, Alternative, Therapy | 0 Comments
5 Ways to Help Treat Asthma and Allergies
1. Here is a list of some very powerful acupuncture points you can rub with your fingers for 50-60 seconds at a time. You can do this for 3 or 4 times taking a 10-15 second break between rubbing:Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
Large Intestine 20 - This point is on both sides of your face, level with the bottom of your nostril. When you smile you will feel a grove. This is where the point lies.
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Lung 9 - It is on the wrist crease, just below your thumb. After rubbing Lung 9 if you move your finger up 2 inches you will be at Lung 7.
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Conception Vessel 17 - This is found on your breastbone, in the center of the chest between the nipples.
2. Cleanse your nose:
Instead of a decongestant over the counter medicine, use a saltwater solution (saline solution). Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup room temperature water. Gently squirt the solution in your nose, aiming toward the back, not the top of your head. If you swallow some water it won't hurt you. The water goes through your nasal passages to the back of your throat. Spit it out. You can buy an all-rubber ear syringe at a drugstore. You can also use a water pik with setting on low.
3. Essential oils:
Therapeutic grade essential oils of Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Eucalyptus and Frankincense can be used in combination to help you to breathe easier. You can take some olive oil half a cup and put 3 or 4 drops of each essential oil into the olive oil. Rub on your chest a few times a day. Take a warm bath with a few teaspoons in the water, sit for 15 minutes. You can also take a really warm towel over the oils you put on your chest to help them go in deeper. Other essential oils that are useful would be the conifer oils such as Grand Fir, Balsam Fir and Black Spruce. They are strengthening oils. Think of being in a forest surrounded by these trees. They help you to take a deeper breath.
4. Chinese Herbal Formulas:
Jade Windscreen: An excellent, powerful herbal formula to help strengthen and support the immune system. Great formula for traveling to help prevent you from getting sick.
Ding Chuan Wan: For asthma this is the formula of choice. This is one of the most widely used Chinese herbal formulas for asthma.
5. Supplements:
A few of the supplements you can use are Grape Seed Extract and Cod Liver Oil. They all help to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation.
It is important to go through your entire house and check what household products you are using for cleaning, look into your soaps and shampoos and also your bed, pillow, mattress etc. There can be toxins that you are not aware you have that can be contributing to your problem. I had a patient who for years suffered from snoring so badly that her husband slept in another room. I suggested she check her home to see if something could be causing this problem and she found it was her pillow! Imagine her delight when she threw the pillow out and the snoring stopped. Her husband was so excited. It changed their lives.
5 Ways to Help Treat Asthma and Allergies
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7:30 AM | Labels: allergies, Asthma | 0 Comments
Mold Allergy in Food - The Cause and the Cure
At first, I never knew that mold allergy can come from food. My mother and I share the same allergy. Damp places, high humidity climate, old clothes or books always give us difficult breathing or other mild asthma symptoms. But when my mother was diagnosed to have the allergy from food, I just realized that there are many kinds of food that use mold in the processing. Who can have this allergy? Do both mold allergy in food and in air always come together? And how to cure it? Keep on reading...Allergies Medication
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Mold, as well as mildew, is included in the fungi family. They differ from other plants or animal by their unique reproducing methods. Their seeds are called spores. When an allergic patient is inhaling spores, they might have symptoms like sneezing and difficult breathing. Besides in the air, mold can also grow in foods. Although it's only in small percentage, people with respiratory mold allergy can have the same allergy from food too. My mother cannot eat foods that are processed with mold, such as soy sauce, 'tempeh' or fermented cassava, while I don't share the same allergy.
Allergies Medication
Although not a processed food, peanut can also cause the allergy from the mold alfatoxin, a toxin that can be found in corn, wheat, soy, and sorghum, as well as in peanuts. Other foods that might cause the allergy are mushroom, melon, berries, beer, smoked meats, and some grains, as well as some cheeses, like blue cheese. Other dairy products such as milk is believed to contain alfatoxin if it came from cows that is fed by moldy feed. The most common molds found in food are aspergillus and rhizopus.
Allergies Medication
So how can we avoid and cure mold allergy from our diet?
Just like any other food allergies, the best way is to stay away from foods you are allergic to. You need to have an allergy testing to confirm exact food products that cause your food allergy, and include those foods into your restricted diet. Some people try organic diet to stay healthier. However, as organic products lack of chemical fungicides, they can be moldy faster than non-organic products.
How to cure ?
Allergy is a body reaction agains a toxic situation. Most of the cases, toxins that cause allergy come to non-natural substance. It happens as well in mold allergy. Therefore, the effort to cure the allergy by pharmaceutical medicines seem not appropriate, as those medicines are also toxic.
The best way to cure this allergy, and any other allergies, would be natural cure. Herbal therapy, homeopathy and acupuncture/acupressure are some of natural medication methods that you can try. Of course, sudden discontinuing of pharmaceutical medication would be unwise either. You should consult your doctor before slowly replacing your treatment with natural substance.
Allergy is a unique disease that we often cannot make disappear, however through a consistent and healthy diet and lifestyle, you can live normally with allergy, or even asthma.
Mold Allergy in Food - The Cause and the Cure
Allergies Medication
7:21 AM | Labels: allergy, Sensitive, Stomachs | 0 Comments
Cat Dander Allergies - Old-Time Tips For Dander Control
Cat dander allergies can be a dilemma for those that love cats but also have an allergy to cats. Pet dander allergies seem to be a growing problem, or at least there is more awareness of this problem than before. Through my aunt I came to know about some old-time practices that make good sense.Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
A basic rule we know today is that the best way to reduce cat dander allergies is to reduce cats dander. That is always the best approach. The practices I learnt from my aunt reflect this same principle, if co-incidentally.
Allergies Medication
My Aunt Derryth
Allergies Medication
I remember my Scottish aunt Derryth (dare-ith). She was my favorite aunt because she always had time to speak with me (not at me) and she loved animals, just like me. She had five cats which she obviously loved. Only now do I realize that she must have had a cat dander allergy. She took precautions that make good logic today but which were considered extra-ordinary back when I was a boy. This is what I remember:
1) She always use to wipe down her cats with a damp cloth as they came into her cottage, "teu keeep oo'te ta sneezen, lade" she would say. The cats would actually stand near the doorway awaiting their turn to be wiped down. Perhaps they liked the scent of the cloth, maybe they liked the attention she lavished upon them, or maybe they waited for a treat. I don't really know. I think she used a special scent on the cloth that the cats may have loved; or perhaps she gave them catnip as a treat. I do not know. But the cats would wait. It was amazing.
Wiping down cats as they come into the house (or as soon as you can catch them) is a good way to control a cats dander as well as other allergens that so often collect in cat fur. Very few people do this but it is a good old-time practice.
2) Aunt Derryth groomed her cats weekly, by combing and brushing their fur. This was always done on an outside table in her backyard, under a covered area. The grooming took place in the open air, rain or shine. She had a special coat she would wear only for grooming the cats. She kept the coat in her tool shed and it was never brought into the house.
This makes perfect sense. Cats need to be groomed regularly and in a careful, gentle but quick manner. They can become very fidgety after about 15-20 minutes, so working efficiently is important, especially with long-hair cats.
Grooming removes a considerable amount of cat fur and dander, as well as removing mats. Grooming outside is sensible as the dander will not be in the house. Wearing a special smack or coat is also sensible as the dander will be on the coat, which you do not bring into the house.
3) My aunt Derryth's cats also got a weekly bath. I don't recall seeing this done so I can't tell you if the cats waited around for this as well. Somehow I doubt it. Cats hated of baths borders on the frantic. However, I am sure she was gentle, loving and patient as she always was with her cats.
Regular bathing is good practice that will go a long way in controlling cat dander allergies. You can use a kitty shampoo and a conditioner. Other products are now available for increased dander control, if needed.
My aunt certainly had a special touch when it came to her cats. I fondly remember visiting her when I was a wee lad. As I have said, I believe she must have had cat dander allergies. Like many, she probably thought cat hair was the problem. She used her common sense to control cat hair and in so doing controlled the dander-which now we know to be the true allergen.
Cat Dander Allergies - Old-Time Tips For Dander Control
Allergies Medication
7:20 AM | Labels: allergies, control, Dander, OldTime | 0 Comments
Tips For Hiring the Best Allergy Doctor
Allergies can cause a lot of trouble and in some cases, can even be fatal. Since people tend to live with allergies all their lives, it's important that they fully understand their condition. They can do this by raising their awareness about their allergies, being educated and working with the right allergy doctor. Here are some tips for hiring the best allergy doctor for you and your family:Allergies Medication
Allergies Medication
Go to a specialist
An allergy doctor is called an allergist or an immunologist. He or she is especially trained in the field, spending several years in medical school studying the nature and cause of allergies and their corresponding treatments. This means that if you go see a physician, you will have to check whether they are specialists in allergies as well. Other than their graduate education in medicine, they should have about 2 years of related education in allergy and/or immunology.
Allergies Medication
Look for an allergist that has training and experience for treating the specific allergy you are having problems with
Skin allergies are different from respiratory allergies. They are also not treated in the same way as animal allergies or food allergies. If you want to hire the best allergy doctor, always inquire regarding their specific field of practice. They're more likely to treat you better if they have the necessary expertise.
Allergies Medication
Ask for referrals
Sometimes the best way to hire the best allergy doctor is to ask for referrals. Friends and family who may have allergies could help refer you to their allergist, which can help save you the time and effort in finding one.
Go local
Never hire an allergy doctor from out of state. If necessary, find the best one nearest your location. If they have to hold office in a location some distance from you, they should at least be accessible. In case there is an emergency, you should be able to get in touch with them in the shortest time possible.
Ask for doctor referrals.
Do this if you or a member of your family will be traveling to another region or state. This is so you have ready access to an allergist in case you need one.
Where to find the best allergy doctor
Before hiring an allergy doctor, go to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology website ( This is an organization that represents the physicians who have a good standing in the field. The website has a database you can use for finding allergist members in your locality. Plus, the website also has some valuable information about allergies that you'll find helpful.
Tips For Hiring the Best Allergy Doctor
Allergies Medication
7:15 AM | Labels: allergy, Doctor, Hiring | 0 Comments