Alternative Allergy Therapy

Allergies Medication

Although modern treatments are available to fight against allergies, a few alternative allergy therapies that may cause considerable difference. It is a vibrant approach for healing and it's also often known as holistic therapy. Today many prefer alternative therapy than modern treatments for prevention of allergies or curing them. The survey made by National Institute of Health and Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America indicates that, almost 50% of the American population are looking for alternative therapies at some stage for allergies along with other health conditions. However, for severe conditions like anaphylaxis, alternative therapy is not recommended. Only conventional medicines are highly recommended for such serious cases.

Allergies Medication

Types of alternative therapies:

Allergies Medication

Asthma, allergies and other similar problems can be cured by alternative therapy. Examples of the most extensively known alternative therapies are:

Allergies Medication

1. Herbal Therapy
2. Supplements
3. Homeopathic medicine
4. Desensitization techniques
5. Ayurveda
6. Acupuncture
7. Chiropractic medicine
8. Hypnosis

Before taking such alternative therapies that include herbs or tinctures, the patients with allergies have to consult a trained herbal medicine specialist. You should understand that herbs are also medicines and may have different effects depending on the type of herbs and how frequent you're taking them.

Effectiveness of alternative therapies:

The performance of these complementary therapies depends on your symptoms and your biochemistry. While going for alternative therapy, the first step will be to seek for a board certified provider in alternative medicine. Also ensure, the provider is knowledgeable to relieve allergies. Most of the alternative therapies don't have insurance coverage except a few. While discussing the effectiveness of the alternative therapies, lot of people think it's an eyewash and just given simply for the satisfaction of the patients. Another set of people think, it is just a belief that it cures but in reality it doesn't. It's just mind game. Nevertheless, most of the previously listed alternative therapies are technically proved for their efficiency and curing effects. Therapies like Hypnotism though not agreed as a scientific method, they are able to heal due to the positive vibrations released by the mind or works in line with the theory of "Law of Attraction."

Therapies like Ayurveda, Homeopathy possess a long-standing history and are scientifically acknowledged. Also, Acupuncture a conventional Chinese therapy, is acknowledged by WHO for t's efficacy and healing aspects. The advanced styles of Acupuncture include, Acupressure and the latest being Acu-touch. Both these methods don't require a needle and considered safer. An important point before taking alternative therapy is to make a complete analysis about the treatment you have opted. Herbs are the main medicines given for allergy in alternative therapies. A qualified health care professional to show you the correct way is important. Probably the most commonly used anti-allergy herbs are: Butterbur, Nettle, Quercetin etc.

Alternative Allergy Therapy

Allergies Medication