Living with a shrimp allergy

Allergies Medication

Shrimp allergy is not necessarily something you're born. In fact, I do not know many people are allergic to shrimp (or clams) to develop beyond maturity. Some people have a shrimp allergy, while others may have an allergy against all seafood. There are also those who are allergic to discover their accidental consumption.

Allergies Medication

Most people with known allergies to shrimp are aware, these are the symptoms. But some may not know what causes it. TheThe symptoms are due to the production of histamine, if anything consumed for an intruder, you are wrong. This article will be fought by the immune system because they see it as a threat. Symptoms shrimp for each person differently. Living with an allergy to shrimp is a difficult task, but millions of people do every day. Here are some points to consider if you or a loved one suffer from this allergy.

Allergies Medication

Top 5 shrimp allergy symptoms:

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Flushing or redness of the skin first.So it may seem, after the consumption of shrimp (or fish), the skin begins to redden.

Hives seconds. They are raised bumps or rashes on the skin. These are usually red, but sometimes it seems to be white.

Lack of third parties. Sometimes after eating shrimp, people find it difficult to breathe.

4 fainting and dizziness are often symptoms.

Wrestling 5. Accompanying feelings of heat and suffocating symptoms.

In extreme cases, theCloses the trachea (windpipe) and is extremely difficult to breathe. In this case, contact a physician immediately.

If you have a personal allergy shrimp allergy, the following information may help to protect your life and remember to keep a closer healing.

5 tips that could save your life

- Keep the medication in one place. For drugs prescribed to you in an easy-to-find and easy to place, you remembershaving precious minutes you need, when you develop serious symptoms may begin.

- Benadryl may be taken, if mild symptoms. This is an over the counter antihistamines, which in most supermarkets.

- Alert your family and friends of allergy. It may be useful for them the attention of your medications. Symptoms occur medical and contact information may also be important information that can save lives.

- When you startbreak the family symptoms (such as difficulty breathing), and the drug is not, you or someone who chooses to be 911 and immediate medical care.

- Create a personal safety plan. You can evaluate different scenarios and find what you need to do anyway. Knowledge is power!

Shrimp allergies in children require more attention than those of adults. A child is much less make use of smallerNumber of endangered shrimp. If your child or who are in constant contact with, suffers from an allergy to shrimp, you should keep a watchful eye on them to keep the periods of consumption. These tips can help you save (or almost) when the accidental consumption and symptoms develop.

Living with a shrimp allergy

Allergies Medication