Herbs Can Help Allergies For Children With Autism

Allergies Medication

Your child may have allergies, along with the disorder of autism. Herb may help allergy? With the approach of summer, and every season, the increase of allergies in general for many people, and that includes children with autism. Pollen is an increasingly important, it is sometimes hard to breathe, it may be rash, hives, watery eyes, nose and other irritations

Allergies Medication

There are herbs that help a long history that people have. Most of these herbs arein your kitchen. For example, there are:

Allergies Medication

* Thyme - This is normally used for clearing the lungs of the structure of the mucus. You can cook with thyme, if the lungs seem to be overloaded.
* Cumin - it's sweet herb that enhances and maintains the health of the lungs. These seeds can be good with carrots, cabbage salad and potato soup a lot.
* Basil - is another herb found in the kitchen. It helps keep maintain a healthy lung and fight allergies. This herb also helpsmotivation.

Allergies Medication

The above three herbs are used to improve lungs and help with allergies. These herbs are gentle herbs. Individuals with autism, may find that herbs can help them fight the irritation of allergies.

There is no herb for one problem. Individuals with autism who have problems with allergies, might want to do research, or have parent(s), caregiver(s) do it, for you, to help explore and make decisions about using herbs.

It is an excellent idea to observe, check if there are any warnings that the herbs may have, before taking them. Try some of these herbs in foods that you are able to cook with. Sprinkle some of the herbs over your foods and calculate if there are positive changes by using the herbs. Do some research on the herbs, and find new recipes to add them to, and experiment with what tastes good and not so good.

When using herbs, a little bit goes a long way. Our universe is filled with many herbs. We need to take the time to explore and look around for them and use them.

I would recommend, if you are in doubt about herbs, and if they can help your individual with allergies, lung problems, consult your physician or a trusted doctor. Some doctors are against anything outside the prescribed medication given, if any, and other doctors are for the herbs. Your primary concern for your child and you, is it safe for your child.

Every case of autism is different and cases of allergies also vary. Remember, you have to trust your instincts and you as parent(s), caregiver(s) are the first to know, if your child has reactions or effects from certain treatments or medication. You must be aware of this, and document it.

There are no herbs that have proven to be a cure for all allergies in autistic individuals. Some have great benefits and effects, but not all are equally the same. In addition, this depends on the age of your child, the level of autism, and the severity of the allergies.

Herbs Can Help Allergies For Children With Autism

Allergies Medication