Cure For Allergies - 3 Natural Ways to Cure Your Allergies

Allergies Medication

In this article we will talk about a cure for allergies, and 3 natural ways to treat your allergies and get better. Allergies on a daily basis is a silent epidemic among others, but we'll probably go through our days, as we feel good. We are not sick, because we are not in a day, but we feel 100% worse than a person who has a cold. Drugs against allergies do not always help, and can be dangerous and take long-term, so that theanswer for people who suffer from allergies? Read the 3 natural cures below and see if you can start feeling better now without the aid of medications.

Allergies Medication

1. Neti Pot: A neti pot can be used to clear out the sinus cavities, this helps to reduce allergy symptoms as many of the causes can be directly linked to the material that gets trapped in the sinuses and causes irritation. While it may seem strange to do this technique at first, it looks worse than it is and can dramatically decrease if not eliminate allergy symptoms when done on a regular basis.

Allergies Medication

2. Apple Cider Vinegar: Drinking apple cider vinegar upon onset of allergy symptoms or as a daily regimen has allowed many people to completely stop the histamine response and prevent their allergies. You can mix 1/8 cup of apple cider vinegar with 16 oz. of water and sip it throughout the day, or drink the entire mixture all at once. Often one dose of this will stop the allergy symptoms, but others need to take it up to 3 times a day to see results. If you drink this mixture when your allergies begin, you can usually see your symptoms disappear within 1-3 a hours. It may taste disgusting at first, but you get used to it and benefits greatly outweigh the flavor!

Allergies Medication

3. Elimination Diet: A more drastic, but very effective way to cure allergy symptoms is to go on an elimination diet. Many people are allergic to common ingredients like wheat or dairy and don't even know it. By removing gluten and dairy from your diet for 2-6 weeks, you can clear out anything from your body that is triggering your allergies. After the few weeks have past, slowly reintroduce these foods one at a time and note if your symptoms return. There are many other foods that can trigger allergies, such as night shades, so it may be necessary to eliminate other foods strategically to find out what is your trigger.

This article talked about a cure for allergies that doesn't include allergy drugs. Using a Neti pot on a regular basis, drinking apple cider vinegar and trying an elimination diet to see if there are any hidden food allergies causing your daily symptoms can often be the best cure for allergies.

Cure For Allergies - 3 Natural Ways to Cure Your Allergies

Allergies Medication